Wednesday, January 19, 2011

You can't judge a book by it's cover.

I don't really believe in zombies.  I came into my fascination with them by accident.  I knew Tom had the Zombie Survival Guide by Max Brooks.  So I saw that he had another book out and thought maybe that would make a good present for Tom.  I ordered World War Z on Amazon.  When the book came, I read the cover, then I read the inside jacket, then I read the first chapter.  Then I couldn't put it down.  Then I made Marty read it.  Sorry Tom, I sent you a used book. 

Last night I walked into the living room and Marty was watching The Walking Dead.  So even though I was on my way to getting ready for bed, I stood there watching for 20 minutes.  So that is how I came to be wondering about zombies today and thinking about World War Z.  

It's not really about the voodoo scary zombie aspect of the whole scenario.  World War Z makes you ask yourself a lot of questions.  You wonder how you would react.  Some people react with courage and others react with selfish intentions.  Would you survive?  Would you want to?  Do you have any skills that would really matter?  Bankers and politicians aren't in as much demand as a good carpenter or hunter.  The book really made me think.   Deep thoughts...and I'm not talking Jack Handy here.  Not many books have provoked me into that much introspection.  I recommend  that you read it.  

Of course the whole apocalyptic movie genre provokes a lot thoughts that aren't so deep.  Like I wonder why just because the world was almost wiped out by a plague or nuclear war does everyone suddenly have to wear such strange outfits?   Think Mad Max and Water World.  Why can't people just wear jeans and a T-shirt?  I would think that even if there were no more companies manufacturing Levi's, you could find a pretty big supply in the department stores to last a few hundred years.   And do we really need to wear a lot of spikey leather?  Or strange makeup?  I mean, if you want to, that's OK but it seems everyone does in post catastrophe earth.  If I'm out there beheading zombies or running from Tina Turner, I just want some practical clothes.  Something comfortable.   A decent pair of shoes. 

One thing that kind of bums me out though is that if zombies take over, it's better to live where it's cold.  Because they freeze and you can just go out and whack them while they are frozen with no danger to yourself.  I was kind of hoping to move somewhere warm.   

Do you have any useful skills in case of a zombie plague?  Please let me know so I can keep you in mind just in case.  

1 comment:

  1. I love how World War Z has a lot to say about the current state of our country, too. Anyway, that's another can of worms.

    Walking Dead is excellent.

    Zombies are real. Well, they're ant zombies. But it will mutate.
