Friday, January 21, 2011

Sew, very old one. Sew like the wind.

Did you ever wonder how a sewing machine works?  Well I was wondering that, too!  I think it must just be magic because...well just think about it.  When you sew with a needle and thread, you bring the thread down through the material and back up through the material.  There's just no way that can be happening with two threads on opposite sides of the fabric.  How do they end up connected?  It just doesn't make sense.  And besides, I remember reading that the guy who invented the sewing machine was having trouble figuring out how to make it work and he had a dream that he was being chased by cannibals and their spears had holes in the end and that is what gave him the idea for the sewing machine needle.  So that proves it to me that some kind of hoodoo voodoo crazy stuff was going on.  And that is how a sewing machine works.  Magic. 

Making quilts is what had me wondering about such nonsense.  I'm sewing two for Josie and one for Baby Boy.  I realized that I have missed using that old sewing machine of mine.  I used to make so many things for my kids.  Stuffed animals and dolls and this and that.  But what really caught me by surprise was the memory that I had used that same sewing machine to make the "chicken quilt".  This is a quilt that starts with a panel showing an egg, then a cracked egg, then an opened get the idea...up to the grown up chicken.  I made that quilt for baby Tommy before he was born.  Baby Tommy just turned 30 in October.  Baby Tommy has that quilt in his living room folded up on a corner of the couch to keep handy for those cold California nights.  And what REALLY made me stop and think was that my Aunt Jay gave me that sewing machine when I was about 12 or 13 and that it had been her machine since before I was born and that now I am making a quilt for my granddaughter Josie who is named after my aunt.  Josephine.  Circle of life.  Circle of sewing machine. 

Sew, very old one (me).  Sew like the wind.  



  2. *sigh* Aunt Jay... I just hope someday I will have that much positive impact on my loved ones as she had on all of us. I still miss her every day.

    Funny that we are both on a sewing kick. Oh and remind me to e-mail you those pictures of my "Kindle pocket"
