Thursday, June 30, 2011

General Information

Why does my mind go off on weird tangents? 

While I was coding some reports today, the clinical information stated the patient had "general weakness".  Another common diagnosis is "general malaise". 

I spent the rest of the afternoon wondering what kind of army would be led by General Malaise and General Weakness.  French maybe? 

That's all.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Zip Drive

I wonder where all those memories are stored in our brains. 

My mother keeps coming up with stories that neither myself or my dad have heard before.  (and they just had their 65th anniversary).  Memories from her childhood.  Memories in a forgotten language.  It's as if there is no more room for new memories and the old ones have started to float to the surface.  She is forgetting more and more of today's life and remembering more of yesterday's. 

Yesterday she started singing a song in Russian.  She grew up next to a Russian Orthodox church and said as kids they used to sit on a wall and sing along with the service going on inside.  Her native tongue was Slovak.  Her and her sisters started school not knowing any English.   I can only imagine how frustrating it would have been to be the first grade teacher then.  Most of the children only knew their parents language.  Slovak, Italian, Polish, Russian.  She had to teach them English.  And everything else a first grade teacher is supposed to teach them. 

Somehow I think if I start remembering things from my childhood, it won't be any where close to as interesting as the stories my parents tell.  I hope I can remember all their stories and pass them on.  What an amazing time they have lived in. 

Do you have a favorite story of your parents childhood?

Sunday, June 26, 2011

I wonder if anyone missed me.

So to my faithful know who you are...I wonder if I should make more of an effort to blog.

Hard to believe my last post was in February.  I wonder where all the time went?  

In case YOU are wondering...I did indeed still wonder about things on a daily basis.  Why no blog?  Well I discovered that maybe, perhaps, I didn't just discover this...that I have a bit of a obsessive tendency. 

So when I would have just liked to blog from the top of my head, I found myself thinking all day long about what I should wonder about and blog about and then it ended up I wasn't honestly wondering but rather purposely wondering so I could blog about it.  If that makes sense to you...maybe you should worry.  I just needed to take a break and move on to my next obsession.  But I still composed blogs in my head from time to time and always thought I would like to try again.  Then my kids started asking what happened to my blog and so here I am again.

I was going to go on a totally different direction with this, but between the last paragraph and this one, I took the dog outside for a walk and while I was in the front yard, I just witnessed a hawk get killed by a motorcycle.  Now there is a dead hawk on the road right in front of my driveway.  I wonder about random things like that.  Was there some reason I was outside at just that exact moment?  And if so, what reason?  Of course now I am obsessing about how I can go out and somehow bring it up to the house without anyone noticing.  It would be a shame for all those nice feathers to just be run over by cars and trucks when I would be happy to keep them safe.  Is it against the law to collect feathers?  I think I read that somewhere.  Now that's a law to wonder about.  If the bird already dropped the feather, then what's the harm in taking it home and keeping it?  

This really isn't such an interesting post...but it's all I can come up with for the moment.  I have to go check on that dead hawk.  My neighbor across the street better not steal it.