Thursday, January 20, 2011

Time Traveling

I guess I do wonder some pretty strange things from time to time.  Well maybe more often than from time to time.  But strange is relative...right?  What may seem strange to you may be perfectly normal for others.  Maybe I am just hopeful that I am not alone...

Sometimes I think about the spot I am in right now...I mean the geographical location on earth.  Like my house.  And then I imagine what it may have looked like if I was standing in the exact same spot 50 years ago.  What did my house look like?  What would be around me?  Were there any cars going down the road?  Then I think about 100 years ago.  My house would not be here.  What was here?  Was there anything or just woods?  How about 200 year ago?   Did anyone else live here?  Maybe the person who lost that arrowhead that I found.   And what about 2000 years ago or even more.  Maybe a dinosaur walked across my yard.  I'm not sure why I wonder these things.... Maybe it just gives me a better appreciation of this planet we live on. 

Or maybe it makes me think about how permanent the earth is and how fleeting our lives on it are.  The earth was created long ago and remains.  We spend such a short time here. Let's make each day count.  


  1. What if your house is from the other side because someone sent something of equal size from our side to theirs?

  2. I hadn't thought of that...uh oh...what if?
