Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Present and Accounted For

Marty's dad has Alzheimer's.  He doesn't know any of his family.  His days consist of sitting,  interspersed with meals and snacks.  That's why I found it interesting that when we all visited him on Christmas day, he seemed to find joy in opening presents.  Even though he says little and remembers less, he knew that a gift was a good thing.  He wanted to open his presents.  Funny how that joy of tearing into a package has stayed in his mind. 

A friend was telling about his mother, who is in her 80's and blind and in a nursing home.  She couldn't wait for her Christmas presents.  When she found out they were being mailed to her son's house instead of directly to her, she wanted to know why.  Then she wanted informed of the safe arrival of her packages.  She couldn't wait for Christmas day to open them.  Even though she couldn't see them, she could still have the joy of opening the presents through touch.  

Christmas 2009, Josie was only 6 months old.  The paper was more interesting than the gifts.  But this year, how things changed.  She has learned that inside those pretty packages and bags are fun little prizes.  And she knows that if there is another one, maybe that one will hold something even better.  So she keeps opening until there are no more to open. 

When my kids were little, they would exclaim after opening every present..."Just what I wanted!!!".  They were so happy and filled with joy to get a new toy.  Sometimes it wasn't even that exciting but they said it anyways. 

I wonder why we lose that excitement with God's gifts?  Sometimes it seems we are always looking to the next great package and we don't stop to enjoy the one we have in our hands.  I want to be excited by the here and now.  I want to be grateful for the things I have today.  God has blessed me with so many wonderful gifts...my husband, my children and my grandchildren...friends, family, home.   I want to start each day as if I am opening those precious gifts for the first time.   I want to be filled with the excitement of finding out what is inside and holding that present in my hand with care and love.  I want to exclaim..."Just what I wanted!!!".

And I want to be excited about Jesus, who was and is the best present we could ever receive.  The present that accounted for all our sin.

I hope you cherish your gifts today and always.

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