I wonder why those trees are yellow. My inner monologue as we crested a hill going into Clearfield. They looked like pine trees and pine trees don't change color in the fall, so why were they yellow? I still don't know the answer but I began thinking about how I wonder on a daily basis about something or other. I became aware of how many things I had questions about. And I started thinking about that sense of curiosity that I have. Was I born with it or did it develop as I grew? Nature vs. nurture...something I have wondered about many times. I think that people who don't wonder about things seem to become apathetic and self focused. Instead of wondering and even marveling over the things around them, there is a shrug of the shoulders and a so what? who cares? attitude. I don't want to loose my desire for knowledge. I want my wondering (as a verb) to inspire my sense of wonder (as a noun). There is so much around us every day that we miss or dismiss.
I decided to try to keep a record of what I have wondered about each day. Some of it will be random and most likely of no lasting significance. Maybe most of it. If you want to join me in this Year of Wonder...leave a comment and let me know if you wondered the same thing...or tell me what you are currently wondering about. Maybe we can gain some insights into this world around us.
Today I wonder about if I will keep up with this first attempt at a blog.